Friday, January 24, 2014

Brain Power!

As promised, I am blogging about my Healing Through Christ...stuff. I am going slowly but surely.  I have made it to the question answering portion! And I feel as if I am....not doing so good.  I got to the question: How do you mentally take care of yourself? And I was like.....uhhhhhh.....eehhhhhh.....durrrrrr. I asked my hubs if HE knew the answer.  He didn't.  ummmmm.....I guess I don't.
Spiritually, I could do much better at, but at least I'm aware of ways to take care of myself spiritually.

Emotionally, I do OK, I do yoga, I cry, I spend time with my kids. And sometimes I just shut on down if that's what I'm needing.

Physically, I go to the gym when THAT doesn't feel overwhelming. I take naps, lots and lots of naps. I have replaced soda with green smoothies. (that is a HARD replacement)

But MENTALLY??? WHAAA??  The book suggested reading books and other things. I GUESS I do that SOMETIMES.  I mean, Healing Through Christ IS a book.  Ok, I know that probably doesn't count.  So I'm here to ask, because I have no clue how to take care of myself in this way.

How do YOU take care of yourself mentally?

PS: I bet when all y'all saw the picture for this post, you thought I was going to blog about how Addicts have no frontal lobes, didn't you?


  1. OMG! I totally read. like. ALL the time. I read stuff like Brene Brown's 'Daring Greatly' or the truly GREAT pieces of literature I studied in school that inspire me to be the writer I trained to be. Just...just read, okay? like I can give you a list of books that you NEED to read and then you can just feed your mind good nutritious stuff. Because...that is SO important and you are so great and you should read Kaaterskill Falls


  2. I like the idea of a wopa book club. Except for the fact that I'd probably always be behind because I have piles of books I want to read but don't have time.

    Anyway, I always ask myself how to take care of myself mentally. For me, it's just taking time I need for me. Sometimes it's writing. Sometimes it's exercise. Sometimes it's watching a movie and vegging out in my sweats, drinking hot chocolate, and eating ice cream. Just whatever it takes to clear my mind of the chaos and allow peace to float in.

    I think mentally and emotionally go hand in hand. At least they seem to for me. But what it comes down to is having a clear head and peace, so things that help me find that I consider taking care of myself mentally.

    Love you!!!

    1. I can absolutely eat ice cream and drink hot cocoa! Probably even at the same time!! I wonder if that would count for DOUBLE taking care of myself??
