Thursday, November 14, 2013


(ya...I just couldn't figure out what picture to put on this post)

Welcome to Pornland, where Vulnerability is a yucky word.  But imma talk about it today. I do the 12 step Healing through Christ program through my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's pretty awesome.  It's a very healing process. Though sometimes it can be difficult.  We just went through step 7, which is Humility.  Going through this step made me thing a lot of Vulnerability.  I could be wrong here, BUT I kinnnnda thing humility and vulnerability are the same thing. Bare with me here, as this post might be a little funky and disorganized as I try to put my thoughts on paper, eh, blog. If you would like to go make yourself some brownies before you dive in, go ahead, i will wait.

The healing through Christ Manual says, "To be an indication that you know where your true strength lies.  You can be both humble and fearless. You can be both humble and courageous." I totally feel like the word vulnerable could replace humble in that sentence. You CAN be vulnerable AND courageous. Can you be prideful and vulnerable? I petition no. Being vulnerable comes from a place of love, as does humility. Obviously they are not the same thing, but for the past week, I can't really stop thinking about how closely they tie into each other. 

At the Togetherness Project I attended in October, I actually attended a seminar called "The Healthiest People Are Vulnerable, given by Brannon Patrick from Life Star.  It was really good! One of the things he said is that by being vulnerable, you experience love.  THIS I realized was so very true. When I have the walls up in my heart and am not being vulnerable I do not experience love. If I am being prideful, i do not experience love. The saddest part of this is that I do not experience love with my children, and I miss out. Worse, THEY miss out.

Now that I have written those two things on vulnerability, lets all take a big deep breath......
because CRAP. Who wants to be vulnerable with a lying PORN addict around?  crickets.  Me neither. So what do we do?  I'm not here to give advice, but seriously, what? I think that all we CAN do it just be aware.  Be aware that if we are not allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to SOME extent, we are missing out on love. If we are not being humble, we aren't growing. All y'all might think I am crazy comparing the two. And if so, just roll your eyes and go find a blog that clicks better with you. BUT for my personal life, I feel like I am on to something.


  1. Pretty sure that you are on to something! I really need to work on this idea. I think life would have been easier this weekend if I had kept this in mind. Hopefully this weekend will be better!

  2. Totally just substituted the word vulnerable into that Healing Through Christ quote. Amazing. That makes vulnerability seem so powerful. And hard, but strengthening.

    It really is hard to be vulnerable to our addict husbands. But it's also so empowering. When I have opened up to him about my pain, it's been freeing. Even if he took it in a negative way and shut down. But, if we are too scared or feel too unsafe to be vulnerable to our spouses, there are always people we can be vulnerable to. Like the ladies we met at the TP. Or the friends who we trust to love us no matter what. We can open up to other people and feel love and support and strength.

    Vulnerability is key.

    Man, I just love this post!

    1. Oh phew! I wasn't sure about this one and was tempted to delete it. I'm glad it wasn't lame and was understandable! I totally love you!
